PROJECTS: Ongoing projects

Ongoing projects

Implementation of forward osmosis membrane technology to transform urban wastewater treatment in resource recovery factory

Bioelectroconversion of orGAnic waste streams and CO2 into sustaInAble fuels

Integration of NDN with P, K and N recovery as (K-) struvite fertilizer in swine manure treatment

An integrated platform of novel cost and energy-efficient conversion technologies producing liquid and gaseous bioFUELS from sustainable biogenic residues validated for direct use in fuel Cells

Portable bioelectrochemical modules for decentralised mitigation of CO2 emissions using surplus energy

Online Sensing and Digitalization of Drinking Water Supply Systems for Timely Mitigation of Chemical and Microbial Risks

Sustainable uPgraded WWTPs for resOurce recovery, water Reuse and hEalth surveillance in the MEDiterranean region

Water Resources Management in Visitor Attractions – FIT4USE Water Recirculation Technology

smart CompreheNsive training to mainstrEam neW approaches for climaTe-neutRal cities through citizen engAgement and decision-making support for innovative governance and integrated pLanning

A StEp forward in the ResiLient management Of DrinKing Water Utilities. From applied research to full-scale validation