An electroactive filter to democratize the aquaria hobby
An electroactive filter to democratize the aquaria hobby
The fate of micropollutants and disinfection by-products in integrated membrane systems followed by diseinfection. The potencial of indirect and direct potable reuse.
Demonstration of innovative water solutions for reuse of water, recovery of valuable substances and resource efficiency in urban wastewater treatment
Green fertilizer upcycling from manure: Technololgical, economic and environmental sustainability demonstration
Demonstrating integrated innovative technologies for an optimal and safe closed water cycle in Mediterranean tourist facilities
CLOsing the NItrogen Cycle from urban landfill leachate by biological nitrogen removal over nitrite and termal treatment.
First demonstration plant of the PANAMMOX technology applied to the treatment of leachates
Removal of siloxanes in the energy recovery of WWTP biogas: Advanced oxidation process
Bioelectrochemical systems for water treatment: from extracelullar electronical transfer to biotechnological application
International network on life cycle assessment and ecodesign for the environmental innovation of technology
Sustainable and integrated urban water system management
puShing aHead with field implementatiOn of best fitting WasteWater treatment and management solutions
Biological production of butanol from syngas
Conceiving Wastewater Treatment in 2020. Energetic, environmental and economic challenges
New developments, implementation and validation of the optimal operation at different scales.
Decision support system for the control and remote operation of membrane bioreactors for wastewater treatment and reclamation.