Author: Mª Teresa Vives Fábregas
SBR technology for wastewater treatment: suitable operational conditions for nutrients removal.
Nowadays, environmental legislation has become more restricted in the nutrient wastewater discharge, especially in the sensitive areas and vulnerable zones. So, many studies have been stimulated on the understanding, developing and improving the biological nutrient removal processes. The Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) is a fill-and-draw activated sludge system for wastewater treatment. In this system, wastewater is added to a single reactor which operates in a batch treatment mode repeating a cycle (sequence) continuously. All the operations (fill, react, settle and draw) are achieved in a single batch reactor. SBR technology is not new. In fact, it precedes the use of continuous flow activated sludge technology. The precursor to this was a fill-and-draw system operated on batch, similar to the SBR. Between 1914 and 1920, many difficulties were associated with operating these fill-and-draw systems, most resulting from the process valving required to switch flow from one reactor to another, operator attention required. Interest in SBRs was revived in the late 1950s and early 1960s, with the development of new equipment and technology. Improvements in aeration devices (i.e. motorized valves, pneumatically actuated valves) and controls (level sensors, flowmeters, automatic timers, microprocessors) have allowed SBRs to successfully compete with conventional activated sludge systems. The aim of this thesis consists in the identification of suitable operation conditions for a cycle according to kind of influent wastewater, treatment requirements and effluent quality using a SBR technology. The influent wastewater, treatment requirements and effluent quality desire determinate in great measure the treatment to realize. So, different studies have been carried out in order to obtain a suitable treatment for each wastewater and requirement using a step-feed strategy. By means of on-line pH, DO and ORP measurements are possible follow the status of the process. At the same time another parameter, that complements all these, is the OUR calculated through DO dada. Evaluation the operation conditions for nitrogen removal using a step-feed strategy for a synthetic wastewater through the study of the effect of number of filling events, the definition of the length and number of phases for a cycle, and the identification of the critical points following the pH, DO and ORP sensors. Application of the step-feed strategy in two different industrial wastewaters: textile wastewater and landfill leachate wastewater. In both wastewaters, the efficiency has been studied through the operational conditions and oxygen uptake rate. While in the textile wastewater the main objective was only organic matter removal, in the landfill leachate wastewater was carbon and nitrogen removal. Evaluation of the operation conditions for nitrogen and phosphorus removal using a step-feed strategy for an urban wastewater through, the definition of the number and length of phases for a cycle, and the identification of the critical points following the pH, DO and ORP sensors. Influence of pH and carbon source in phosphorus removal using synthetic wastewater through the study of pH increase in two different carbon sources and the effect of change of carbon source. As it can be observed in this thesis, where it is treated different wastewaters for different requirements, one of the main advantages of the SBR is its flexibility.
Author: | Mª Teresa Vives Fábregas |
Supervisor: | Dra. Mª Dolors Balaguer and Dr. Jesús Colprim |
Year: | 2004 |
Evaluation: | Excel.lent Cum Laude |
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