Integration of NDN with P, K and N recovery as (K-) struvite fertilizer in swine manure treatment
Development of a new process for the recovery of potassium struvite for use as a fertiliser with applications in the treatment of pig slurry
Water Resources Management in Visitor Attractions – FIT4USE Water Recirculation Technology
New system-driven bioremediation of polluted habitats and environment
New membrane concentration systems wihtin high VOC concentration ranges to producte PHAs
Decision Support System based on Digital Twins for WWTP optimization
Giro hacia la reNaturalización para una Girona más resiliente y saludable
Virtual twins for urban water futures: planning scenarios for the hydrosocial cycle
Portable bioelectrochemical modules for decentralised mitigation of CO2 emissions using surplus energy
Giving four lives to osmotic membranes with innovative recycling processes
Process intensificAtioN for bioelectroCO2 recyclinG into carbon-nEutrAl products
Advanced Technology for Microbial Electro-Synthesis of Platform cHemicals and Efficient in-situ Recovery via Electrodialysis
a comprehensive platform to capture CO2 from indoor air, transform it into valuable carbon-neutral commodity chemicals
Implementation and validation of a decision support system for the control and management of drinking water treatment plants
Bioelectroconversion of orGAnic waste streams and CO2 into sustaInAble fuels
Implementation of forward osmosis membrane technology to transform urban wastewater treatment in resource recovery factory
A StEp forward in the ResiLient management Of DrinKing Water Utilities. From applied research to full-scale validation
Electricity-driven single-cell protein production
REnd-cap: sustainable membrane technology for decentralized areas
Sustainable Production of n-Butanol by Artificial Consortia Through Synthetic and Systems Biology Approaches
urban water cycle ResIlient To pAndemics
Microbial Electrosynthesis of Biofuels from CO2
Technological platform based on bioelectrochemical systems
Electricity driven Low Energy and Chemical input Technology foR Accelerated bioremediation
A smart adaptive socio-economic solution
Edible Cities Network – Integrating Edible City Solutions for social resilient and sustainably productive cities
Recerca en tecnologies de regeneració d’aigua i gestió del risc per la reutilització
Recuperació i valorització de recursos de digestats urbans en el marc de l’economia circular
Integration of recycled membranes in water processes
Biological routes for CO2 conversion into chemical building blocks
selective siloxane capture for indoor pco
Circular Economy to ease urban water reuse in a touristic city: centralised or decentralised management?
Toward the development of an EDSS for water treatment works: from basic research to optimal operation at full-scale
Innovative Ecological on-site Sanitation System for Water and Resource Savings
Smart decentralized water management through a dynamic integration of technologies
OMBReuse – Osmotic membrane bioreactor for water reuse
Tratamiento biológico de lixiviados mediante una nitritación parcial y oxidación anaerobia del amonio en el proceso PANI-SBR y ANAMMOX
Innovative technologies for biogas upgrading: from basic research to technology assessment
Strenghtening Smart Air MBR Applications
Innovative technologies for resource efficient cities
Interdisciplinary concepts for municipal wastewater treatment and resource recovery. Tackling future challenges
Conception of the Sewage Treatment Plant of the XXI Century. Development, implementation and evaluation of technologies for the treatment and resources recovery from wastewaters.
Decision support system for the control and remote operation of membrane bioreactors for wastewater treatment and reclamation.
New developments, implementation and validation of the optimal operation at different scales.
Conceiving Wastewater Treatment in 2020. Energetic, environmental and economic challenges
Biological production of butanol from syngas
puShing aHead with field implementatiOn of best fitting WasteWater treatment and management solutions
Sustainable and integrated urban water system management
International network on life cycle assessment and ecodesign for the environmental innovation of technology
Bioelectrochemical systems for water treatment: from extracelullar electronical transfer to biotechnological application
Removal of siloxanes in the energy recovery of WWTP biogas: Advanced oxidation process
First demonstration plant of the PANAMMOX technology applied to the treatment of leachates
CLOsing the NItrogen Cycle from urban landfill leachate by biological nitrogen removal over nitrite and termal treatment.
Demonstrating integrated innovative technologies for an optimal and safe closed water cycle in Mediterranean tourist facilities
Green fertilizer upcycling from manure: Technololgical, economic and environmental sustainability demonstration
Demonstration of innovative water solutions for reuse of water, recovery of valuable substances and resource efficiency in urban wastewater treatment
The fate of micropollutants and disinfection by-products in integrated membrane systems followed by diseinfection. The potencial of indirect and direct potable reuse.
An electroactive filter to democratize the aquaria hobby
smart CompreheNsive training to mainstrEam neW approaches for climaTe-neutRal cities through citizen engAgement and decision-making support for innovative governance and integrated pLanning
Sustainable aviation and shipping fuels from microalgae and direct solar BES technologies
Online Sensing and Digitalization of Drinking Water Supply Systems for Timely Mitigation of Chemical and Microbial Risks
Sustainable uPgraded WWTPs for resOurce recovery, water Reuse and hEalth surveillance in the MEDiterranean region
An integrated platform of novel cost and energy-efficient conversion technologies producing liquid and gaseous bioFUELS from sustainable biogenic residues validated for direct use in fuel Cells
A holistic approach to resource recovery from wastewater
National Network of Microbial Electrochemical Technologies