Author: Mireia Fiter Cirera
Control basat en Lògica Difusa per Sistemes de Fangs Activats. Disseny, Implementació i Validació en EDAR reals.
This thesis presents two proposals of Fuzzy Logic Control Systems (FLCS’s), from their design to their implementation and validation in two facilities: Granollers and Taradell WWTP. The fundamental concepts to understand the FLCS’s development are explained in the first chapter with a summary of scientific papers related to fuzzy logic applications in the wastewater treatment. The objectives are established in Chapter 2 and the materials and methods are described in Chapter 3. In Chapters 4 and 5, the work to design, implement and validate the FLCS’s is presented. Both chapters have the same structure: a presentation, a goal definition of FLCS, a description of the WWTP, the evaluation index development, a detailed explanation about designing the FLCS process and its evaluation by simulation studies, the implementation of FLCS to WWTPs and their validation and, finally, a discussion of the work carried out is presented. The main conclusions are enumerated in Chapter 6.
Author: | Mireia Fiter Cirera |
Supervisor: | Dr. Jesús Colprim i Galceran; Dr. Ignasi Rodriguez-Roda i Layret |
Year: | 2006 |
Evaluation: | Excel·lent Cum Laude |
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