Authors: Ignasi Gómez-Sebastià, Luis Oliva-Felipe, Ulises Cortés, Marta Verdaguer, Manel Poch, Ignasi Rodríguez-Roda, Javier Vázquez-Salceda

A norm-aware multi-agent system for social simulations in a river basin

Wastewater management is a complex task involving a wide range of technical environmental and social factors. Furthermore, it typically requires the coordination of a heterogeneous society of actors with different goals. Regulations and protocols can be effectively used to tackle this complexity. In this chapter we present a norm-aware multi-agent system for social simulations in a river basin. The norms we present are inspired in European policies for wastewater management and they can evolve through time.
Authors:Ignasi Gómez-Sebastià, Luis Oliva-Felipe, Ulises Cortés, Marta Verdaguer, Manel Poch, Ignasi Rodríguez-Roda, Javier Vázquez-Salceda
Reference:Intelligence Systems in Environmental Management: Theory and Applications. Intelligent Systems Reference Library, vol 113. Springer, Cham