Authors: Meritxell Valenti-Quiroga, Alba Cabrera-Codony, Pere Emiliano, Fernando Valero, Hèctor Monclús, Maria J. Martin

In-depth analysis of natural organic matter fractions in drinking water treatment performance: Fate and role of humic substances in trihalomethanes formation potential

In this study we investigate the compositional changes in dissolved organic matter (DOM) fractions across diverse water sources and treatment processes in three Drinking Water Treatment Plants (DWTPs). High-Performance Size Exclusion Chromatography coupled with Diode Array Detection and Organic Carbon Detection (HPSEC-DAD-OCD) was employed to characterize DOM fractions, offering insights into treatment optimization. We examine bulk water parameters, DOM distributions, and the efficiency of treatment trains in reducing DOM fractions. Results reveal distinct DOM composition profiles in river-sourced versus reservoir-sourced waters, with implications for treatment processes. Coagulation, Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) adsorption, Electrodialysis Reversal (EDR), and Ion Exchange (IEX) were evaluated for their efficacy in removing DOM fractions. The analysis highlights the effectiveness of coagulation in reducing high molecular weight (MW) fractions, while GAC filtration targets lower MW fractions. EDR shows significant removal of anions and aromatics, while IEX demonstrates high removal efficiencies for removing humic substances (HS) fractions. Spectroscopic analysis further elucidates changes HS sub-fractions and their role in disinfection by-products (DBP) formation. To quantitatively assess the relationship between HS sub-fractions and trihalomethane formation potentials (THMFP), Pearson correlation analysis were conducted, unveiling robust associations between HS sub-fractions and THM-FP that can be predicted by surrogate parameters such as A254.

Authors:Meritxell Valenti-Quiroga, Alba Cabrera-Codony, Pere Emiliano, Fernando Valero, Hèctor Monclús, Maria J. Martin
Reference:Science of The Total Environment, Volume 954, 2024, 176600, ISSN 0048-9697