The Laboratory of Chemical and Environmental Engineering (LEQUIA) is a research group of the University of Girona (UdG) devoted to the development of eco-innovative environmental solutions. LEQUIA is a part of the UdG’s Institute of the Environment (IMA) and participates actively in Campus UdG Water. LEQUIA is a “consolidated research group” recognised by the Catalan Government (2021-SGR-1352) and a member of TECNIO, a network that brings together leading experts in applied research and technology transfer in Catalonia.
The team
LEQUIA has a team of 45 people, including university professors, post-doctoral and pre-doctoral researchers, and technical and management support staff. Because our work is multidisciplinary, LEQUIA projects currently involve environmental scientists, chemists, biologists, engineers and computer scientists.
Research lines
Innovative processes of potabilization and water treatment.
Gas treatment and carbon dioxide bioconversion.
Digitalisation and application of artificial intelligence to water cycle.
The group is based in the Faculty of Sciences of the UdG (Montilivi Campus) and a 550m2 area in the Jaume Casademont building of the UdG’s Science and Technology Park. We have an analytical chemistry laboratory; fully instrumented pilot plants with different configurations for water treatment and carbon dioxide capture and bioconversion at laboratory/semi-industrial scale; photoreactors for advanced oxidation processes; and software for environmental modeling.
Research activity is carried out with funds from national and international R&D projects, and technology transfer contracts with public and private organisations. Between 2019 and 2022, LEQUIA had an average turnover of 1.57 million euros (of which, 18% came from private funds).
Post-graduate education
LEQUIA has always played an active role in postgraduate and doctorate programs of the University of Girona, such as the Master in Water Resources and the Doctorate Programme in Water Science and Technology. The group has also participated in several Erasmus+ and MSCA Doctoral Networks.
Quality Certification
LEQUIA has a quality assurance management system certified by the Catalan Agency for Enterprise Competitiveness (ACCIÓ) and based on ISO 9000 standards and the EFQM excellence model.