Integration of NDN with P, K and N recovery as (K-)struvite fertilizer in swine manure treatment

The implementation of innovative manure treatment strategies based on resource recovery (N-P-K) offers new opportunities within the framework of circular economy, fertilisation and bioeconomy. The ESPOTFER project seeks to progress towards knowledge transfer and demonstration (validation at TRL-5) of the precipitation of K-struvite (MgKPO4), a phosphate salt that so far has attracted limited attention. The process will be applied downstream of a nitrification-denitrification (NDN) system treating swine manure, in both the liquid effluent and the waste sludge. The objective is to recover more than 50% of the available K. For the liquid effluent, the addition of Mg and P should be considered, and the use of by-products rich in these elements will be prioritized. The recovered material will be marketable as fertiliser. Moreover, it is also planned to study the precipitation of struvite (MgNH4PO4) from the liquid fraction of swine manure before being processed by NDN. Validation tests will be carried out in a pig farm with a NDN system in Osona (Barcelona, Catalonia). The working plan includes the analysis of the economic and environmental sustainability of this technology.

Activitat finançada a través de l’Operació 01.02.01 de Transferència Tecnològica del Programa de desenvolupament rural de Catalunya 2014-2022.

Total budget:


LEQUIA grant:


Funding organisation:DACC
Program:Ajuts a projectes demostratius 2021
Reference:56 30127 2021 5C